Sunday, August 22, 2021

#469 The Lost Jockey (1947-1948)


He has been lost for so
long that the trees – once
trimmed & turned into
bilboquets — are now

growing branches again.
Lost for so long that the
painter's style has under-
gone several transform-

ations in the interim. This 
from a classical period; 
airy, pastel-toned. A scene
posed, as if disposed 

by a dramaturge, with 
the jockey center of 
the set, finally about 
to exit, stage left.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

#468 The Virgin's Chariot

Elsewhere it is drawn by lions,
on solid ground, even if it is 
a rough track rather than a
road. Cherubs accompany her,
either to keep her amused or on
hand to push — while the lions
pull — the chariot should it 
happen to get stuck. Allegory
drawn large. The Virgin Mary 
on her way to heaven, assumed
body & soul, traveling first class 
on a triumphal vehicle. Much
the same thing here. The means 
of transport a shiny mirror, the
suitcase closed as befits a virgin.
Yet the perspective all wrong. If
the mirror's right, then the case
could only hold a single tube of 
lipstick. If the case is lifesize then a
reasonable entourage could balance 
on the mirror comfortably. So
what's the answer? Perhaps it
lies in those marks on the mirror.
Dare we suppose some lines of
coke were snorted here, & the
world now somewhat distorted.

Monday, August 16, 2021

#467 Le Sabbat

He refused to work on the Sabbath, which is why the lights are all turned off — the moon gives me enough light to find my way around — & the painting is left upside down — I won't work but that doesn't stop my mind from turning over, so putting things in unusual places often helps as a sort of associative trigger when the next day comes around — & for any person passing by, an upturned apple is still an apple — I stole that idea from Gertrude Stein who I later paid back by painting rose after rose after rose — but no one has decreed that magic can't be done on this day — I deliberately put that half- full glass of wine there so that when it hangs upside- down with no spillage, what else can it be but magical?