Saturday, September 09, 2023

#520 Le Voleur

The hot air balloon has
been stolen from another
painting; as have the river
& the hills it weaves be-
tween. Then there's the
curtain which has been
on show so many times
that it would otherwise
appear threadbare were
it not for the wardrobes
full of similar things — 
taken from clotheslines 
& salons & a number of
theaters — which are easy
to switch between. Now 
focus on the thief himself,
who, out in public & with
an eye to propriety, has 
foregone the purloined 
jacket worn in tense times 
past — including le prĂ©sent —
on the off chance he might
just come across its owner.

Saturday, September 02, 2023

#519 The Lovers IV

This meeting of minds
can't be that great

if it's so easy to see his heart isn't in it.