Saturday, March 23, 2024

#532 La Saveur des larmes (1946)

The stalk broken, perhaps
in preparation for pesto or
some similar condiment. Not

used. The flavor unconducive for garnish — too much sad- ness, tastes too much of tears.

Saturday, March 09, 2024

#531 La Veillée

A lighted candle & holder cut from a music score. Papier collé, glued paper, evoking techniques from some decades before, invoking thoughts of his brother, a musician, poet. Laid beside the candle, eggs in a nest. Though not known where they were laid. Nor known which came first, the candle or the eggs. Not that that matters. Take notice of the notes, their similarity to DNA, the genetic information of the music. & the eggs, the ongoing vigil waiting for them to hatch, to bring more life in to the world as we hold the candle up to illuminate their progress. Note the frisson be- tween them, candle & eggs, the magic imparted by being together, the dust of dusk accompanying them, adding to the mystery.