Sunday, January 16, 2022

#482 High Level Meetings

Certainly the river in the distance confirms that this is up a mountain. & the shadowy figures in the cave are recognizable from their starring roles in many paintings. But the painter who made them famous also caused them to be regarded as typecast; & now, in the years after his passing, their income stream has almost dried up.

Which is where a bit of creative accounting comes in. Get together in some out of the way place. Bring a friend, someone they have previously appeared with but whose bejeweled androgyny still guarantees work in these non-binary times, & who can easily pass as an agent or manager. Then claim inflated expenses when they list this interaction on their tax forms, describing it as a high level meeting.

Friday, January 07, 2022

#481 René Magritte et Le Barbare

The only way to capture Fantômas is to enter his dreams. — René Magritte

The Luftwaffe's first bombing 
run on London; & Magritte's 
first one-man show in that city 
shut down by it. Several pain-
tings destroyed, including Le

Barbare, one of Magritte's many 
homages to Fantômas. This photo 
all that is left to remember it by,
could easily be titled Fantômas et
son doppelgänger, two masters of

the magical, one able to vanish
at will, the other able to make
the invisible visible. Both wear the
formal costume of the magician:
one is disappearing before our 

eyes, of his own accord. The other 
large as life, but wondering if he
will have the strength to make the
barbarians he can't see coming 
disappear before they can arrive.