Monday, May 15, 2023

#512 Le Masque Vide

Many believed that politeness
was just a mask, that what was
said may not be what was meant
or thought: or, from the other
side, thought to mean, though
the politeness was reciprocated.
Not quite the bland leading the
bland, but close enough. What
we have here acknowledges
those rules but is much more an-
gular, abrupt, an elbow to the
ribs. All politeness torn away:
the mask is empty; but the words
that hide behind the words be-
hind the mask are now exposed.
A pity we cannot see them all.

Monday, May 01, 2023

#511 La Gravitation Universelle

The wall is artifice, is illusion, a masque to keep the forest at bay — at least it seems that way until the hunter gets his arm stuck in it & Newton's law of universal gravitation kicks in. Or, equally, kicks out. Allegorically, this could be a depiction of the "first great unification," a realization of the attraction of particles. Or, if you're so inclined, another allegory, where Isaac Newton is the hunter, presenting the 1st Book of his Principia to the Royal Society, & Robert Hooke is represented by the wall, ac- cusing Newton of plagiarism &, as punishment for the theft, attempting to take his hand off.