Sunday, April 12, 2015

#286 Pandora's Box

The rose waits beside the
man. Or. Maybe moves
beside him if the man is
walking across the bridge.
Twilight. The man is
wrong. The street lamps

are on. Or. Perhaps the city
is on fire & the lamps are
off. The rose is white. The
man is wrong. No matter
which brother. If Prometheus—
brought fire. Now waits to

see how his gift is taken. The
lamps are off. The man is
wrong. If the other brother—
Pandora's husband. Her
beauty given to him. A jar.
The lid ajar. The gift is

mothbite, fresh horror re-
leased, by a woman's hand.
But a second visit. The man
releases hope. & man-made
myth. Apple fallen far from
its original tree. History re-

written as his story. The man
is wrong. Is patriarchal, is
parody. Is intended to
disguise there was no evil
given by the original creator.
Gaia, the Giver of All Gifts.

1 comment:

Richard said...

Extraordinary art:extraordinary poetry.