Thursday, August 13, 2020

#438 Le Goût de l’Invisible (1927) (2)

There's a McDonald's near where
I live; so, when I grow tired of
exploring fermentation at cooking
school, I set off in search of treats
of divers & sundry matters. There
is a heightened level of threat now
that baby green snakes are on their
way to where I later pause in the
Louvre contemplating the secretive
nature of Le Prieuré de Sion. I think it
has something to with string theory,
as in stringing one along, along the
lines of McDonald's has a Michelin
star, The Priory has a secret cellar
beneath the Louvre. Everything
exudes an unseen aspect behind the
visible, whose nearness I can taste
even if I cannot see it. A framework
of scented gardens for the blind.

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