Saturday, September 12, 2020

#444 Le Fin du Temps

The end of time presents as a
simple act of prestidigitation,
able to be reversed by a sequence
of triggers. It wears a black suit
when alone at home; but any time
it ventures out, sequins are de rig-
, in the long-held belief that
the light catching on them will
assist the efficacy of the illusion,
much like movement of the other
hand draws the eye away from
where the legerdemain is actually
being carried out. There are other
disguises. This end of time is pre-
faced by perspective done on the
cheap — the faux wood floor tilts
upwards, & seemingly sitting a-
top its sloping edge is a rococo
frame. Not with an inset mirror;
instead an oval piece of plywood
with symmetrical jigsawn decor-
ation. It is a mirror, though. Look
into it & see laid out how time runs
backwards now. Turn round & look
ahead. That distant dot is time's end.

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