Tuesday, March 08, 2022

#485 Le Civilisateur

Three paintings of a dog, all
different dogs but the same
one painted. All different names
but painted under the same
name. Somewhere I read that 

this Loulou was black, but painted 
white for the occasion. Narrow 
nostrils, but supposedly had a 
big heart. So loved by its child-
less owners that it traveled with

them everywhere, even to the 
States, its right of passage paid
for by a promise to allow the fuse-
lage of one of the airline’s planes
to later carry a Magritte motif.

All things pass, including the in-
fluence of a civilizer. The livery 
of the plane redone to reflect new 
alliances. & of the other themed air-
craft, Tintin will be the next to go.


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