Friday, February 23, 2024

#530 Le Somnambule

It should have been a one- pipe problem, Watson, but my sleep patterns have been irregular lately, have moved from the no sleep of cocaine use to an ersatz sleepwalking, full of fear, as if the hound of the Baskervilles was hard on my heels. I wake, immediately reach for another pipe. Have lost count of how many I’ve smoked in the last few weeks. & now I’m having visions, will suddenly see an owl in my chair, my pipe in its mouth; & we have moved from Baker Street to somewhere in the country. & the owl peers at me through its saucer eyes, takes the pipe out of its mouth, looks down at it & says to me: “This is not a pipe.” & what it means by that, Watson, is the problem. Is beyond my sphere of expertise.

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