Thursday, June 27, 2024

#541 Excuseer, Juffrouw, is het een sprekende film?

Does that really matter? Even if the film
is silent, the continuity — or discontinuity —
of its contents, the things we are seeing,  
provokes an inner mono- &/or dialogue. 

Not necessarily in words. Could be images,
fragments of a past or figments of a future, 
that have nothing to do with what was en-
visaged by the auteur, but triggered by it

even so.  Could be sounds, birds on the
roof, trains passing in the night, what we
grew up listening to, what we associate
with the wider screen where they appeared.

Or maybe we approach it in the same way
we partake of a day at the races. The colors,
the numbers, known & easily discernable; 
the purpose clear, but not yet the outcome. 

As complement, a gallery full of the works of an
almost contemporary Belgian master which
presents a nominally silent narrative, but has
within it a host of interwoven speaking parts.

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